This article will explain what the deluxe edition of Unending Galaxy is including. You can acquire it through a paypal donation or by buying the game at the itch.io store. As explained before, the free version is in no way, shape or form a demo. It’s not time limited, all gameplay features are included, and it will always be that way. Buying the game ensure that I will continue working on it. Also, by buying the game at any point, you’ll get access to all future versions as they become available.
That clarified, let’s get to what the deluxe version currently includes:
First and foremost, the game modding tools which allow you to basically change anything in the game. Secondly, the Imperium map, an extremely large hand-crafted galaxy designed to increase replay value and to show everything the game has to offer. And finally, 5 additional starting scenarios with the added bonus of giving access to techs otherwise unavailable.