We have just released Unending Galaxy 1.3. This is a major release finalizing Steam integration with the addition of achievements, Steam Cloud saving, and more importantly, the Steam Workshop support (thanks to Alex). It also feature many smaller improvements and bug fixes. We also significantly updated the wiki.
As usual you can find it on itch.io and Steam.
Game Features and Improvements
The game should perform better and be more robust. We fixed a few issues, made sure that outdated mods for previous versions would not crash the game without telling you what’s happening. 25 Steam achievements have also been added, many of them highlighting some features you might have otherwise missed.
You can now set an area for your scavengers to work in (it works the same way as the mining ships). Also, a bulletin board advertisement has been been added. It allows you to exchange money for a temporary reputation boost with another faction.
We also fixed a few problems ranging from outdated tutorial texts to crashes under specific conditions. Check the change-log below for more details.
Creating new mods and overhauls is now much easier than before. As we significantly improved the game editor, it’s no longer necessary to overwrite the base game’s data files and sprites to mod existing files.
It also allows you to upload your creations directly to the Unending Galaxy Steam Workshop. Be sure to check this topic for more information. A few official mods have already been posted on the Workshop already, and more will come in the coming weeks.
Finally, we fixed many bugs and annoyances.
- Added many Steam Achievements (by Alex)
- Added ‘mission’ to exchange money for improved relation with a faction (by Alex)
- You can restrict the scavenger AI to specific areas (same as the miner AI, will still sell outside of its restricted area)
- Added option to disable AI Core when starting new game
Game Engine
- General performances should be slightly improve, as we are using the latest version of the compiler
- Game will tell you if you are trying to load outdated data files (usually coming from mods)
- Mod manager handles both local and steam workshop mods
- Base game data and sprites can be overwritten by mods without having to edit those files directly
- Steam Cloud Support (for savegames)
- Added 75FPS frame limiter setting
- Added graphic option to fix the menu artifact bug on low-end GPU
- Slightly improved database loading speed / efficiency
- Misc code optimizations
- Increased refresh rate of galactic map (feels more fluid)
- Removed “debug” tab from ship scanner
Modding Tools
- Changed DirectX requirements for the Game Editor to be the same as the game itself (if you can run the game with your current settings, you should run the editor too)
- Added ability to upload mods to Steam Workshop (by Alex)
- Revamped game editor’s main window (check main menu on top)
- Added menu to create new mod
- Added option to open selected mod’s folder in explorer directly from the editor
- Automatically reloads the database with proper mod selected when you’re selecting (or creating) a different mod
- It’s no longer needed to have your mod loaded in the load order for the editor to behave properly
- Added field to ship editor showing ship stats like they appear ingame
- More helpful texts
- Default sector map icons can now be changed by mods
- Default backdrops, planets, suns and clouds can be changed by mods (alongside their galactic map counterparts)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Crash if the savegame folder has been deleted (by alex)
- Fixed: Multiple memory leaks and stability problems caused by previous version of the compiler
- Fixed: Crash if text is missing in language file (which shouldn’t really happen)
- Fixed: Issues when animated ships explode
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where files aren’t saved in proper mod folder [modding tools]
- Fixed: Crash in map editor if the map directory doesn’t exist [modding tools]
- Fixed: Cargo size in ship editor not properly reset when reloadign DB [modding tools]
- Fixed: Multiple issues ranging from minor glitches to critical errors [modding tools]
- Fixed: Wrong map and sector info panel keyboard shortcuts in the tutorial texts
- Fixed: Clicking on Map Editor’s buttons while there’s no map opened would crash the editor. (greyed out until a map is loading / created)
- Fixed: Game Editor > create new map: not checking map name is correct
- Fixed: Map Editor save/load not defaulting to selected mod’s map folder
- Fixed: Menu artifact that stays open when you close a menu (even with the new option disabled in gfx settings, this one if for low end GPU)
- Fixed: Popups not always closing when closing related menu
- Fixed: Potential full stop of the rendering thread (not sure it can happen in the wild)
- Fixed: Memory leaks with mods overwritting default game sprites
- Fixed: Bug in profile editor that could corrupt modded profiles [editor]
- Fixed: Factions created from scratch would end up with a transparent flag [editor]
- Fixed: Game doesn’t take into account modded icons/flags
- Fixed: Automated sellers/buyers would try to trade with objects flagged as “Always Hostile”
- Fixed: Running game from a windows shortcut could cause issues
- Fixed: Fast Shipyard trait not working if manually selected by player
- Fixed: Profile editor wasn’t updating how many trait points are left [editor]
- Fixed: Missing “Fast Shipyard” faction trait in profile editor [editor]
- Fixed: Possible corruption in profile editor if the “add new” button isn’t clicked before making a new profile [editor]