June Progress Update

Anarkis Gaming

Hello there! For once, I’m roughly on time for this month’s devlog. I will mostly discuss After The Collapse’s development and pricing. I will also go over the Steam Summer Sale debacle. For those of you who receive this post through our newsletter, the versions 0.5.8 and 0.5.9 got released in the last couple weeks, you might want to check so posts as well.

Anyway, let’s start! 🙂

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After The Collapse 0.5.8 Released

Yes, finally an update. I know, it took a while.  I thought I could wait until 0.6 was out.  But, so much was added to the 0.5 branch that I might as well release it now.

As you can see, I am also resuming the tradition of posting release updates on the website itself. As we’re publishing to multiple, competing stores who forbid from cross-linking and that writing the exact same post multiple times has very little appeal to me, it’s just easier this way. The update will be released around today on the stores we’re on.

Anyway, let’s get to this release!

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May Progress Update

Anarkis Gaming

Hello there, sorry for the little delay, April has been a very busy month for several reason we’ll go over in a bit. As usual with those posts, we’ll go over what has and what will be done with our projects during this month. Additionally, for those interested, I’ve just written a second post-mortem about Unending Galaxy. While the first one was mostly about the sales and marketing aspect, this new iteration is solely about the game itself. Anyway, let’s get to it 🙂

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March Progress Update

Hey there, It has been a while!

My apologies, it has been difficult to find time to post here on top of Steam, itch.io, and other mediums. I’ll try to get back to the monthly schedule. In any case, this is a perfect time for a progress report: our 0.5 branch is close to completion and we’ll soon be starting to work on the 0.6 branch. This gives me the opportunity to explain what’s coming next for After The Collapse. However, before we get into the progress report proper, I have a few website related announcements to make.

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December Progress Update

Anarkis Gaming

Hello there! Been a while since the last post. I’ve been extremely busy updating After The Collapse.Most patch related updates have been posted on the respective stores instead. With the weekly patch schedule, copy-pasting the change-logs every week seemed redundant. So, instead, here’s a meaty post summarizing our progress, our plans for 0.5, and various other news and announcements. It’s not entirely tied to ATC, I have a lot to say about Steam, so even if the game isn’t your cup of tea, it might be worth a read.

Enjoy! 🙂

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Patches and plans for 0.5

Hi there!

Well, it has been quite a busy week. After The Collapse, alongside it’s first (obligatory week 1) patch got released on Steam. It fixed a lot of issues with job priorities and the balance in general while adding some nifty things like repair zones. You can take a look at the changelog here. Another patch should follow this week, fixing the remaining issues that have been reported to us while adding some requested features. After that, we’ll start working on 0.5 (while delivering smaller patches when we can afford to do so). Read More …